We are thrilled to welcome new members in the lab -
the Run-and-Gun Yanyi Sun - brilliant PhD student joining from Immunology Program!
the unrelentin' Alens Valentin - amazing research technologist and MS student!
the not-from-Idaho Eric Gao and ice crystal George Apostol - both as incredible undergraduate research scholars!

And as for the goodbyes...
It's been 3 and 2 years together for Sarah and Erin, respectively in the WJH lab. They impacted the lab in remarkable, unforgettable ways. We could not be more grateful for the times together and their contributions to cancer research. Thank you!
We will remember how you two would sync so well without trying...

We are also incredibly proud of your accomplishments and eager to see you do amazing things in the next steps and more - congratulations Sarah and Erin and all the best !!